💧 How Queer Nightlife Is a Portal to Ritual, Healing, and Belonging

PLUS, a new bill to legalize mushrooms for PTSD in Michigan

Happy Monday and welcome back to The Drop In! One of America’s marquee holidays is on Thursday, marking the onset of the holiday season. This week is turkey and potatoes, and next week Mariah Carey’s Christmas anthem will haunt every grocery aisle in America. This time of year has a way of dredging up feelings and layering on a peculiar kind of pressure that nobody asked for. But here’s the thing: it’s okay to set boundaries. It’s okay to duck out for a clandestine puff of something green! It’s okay to skip the awkward family dinner and opt for your chosen crew instead. Fill your cup — whether that’s with gravy, good company, or something a bit stronger — and lean into whatever feels right! 🧡

Today’s featured story is about an iconic fixture in New York’s nightlife scene who tells us about a palpable tonal shift taking shape in the underground. They unpack the nuanced power of style over fashion and draw a deeply resonant parallel between raving and going to church — arguing that it’s less about partying and more about something sacred. The story is beautifully written and speaks to the theme of “chosen family,” truly making it a perfect read for this week 🫶.

If you keep scrolling, you’ll find stories on Michigan's proposed legislation to legalize the possession of up to two ounces of psilocybin mushrooms, an exclusive interview with the legendary Dr. Rick Strassman about DMT, what it means to create sound design for the psychedelic realm, and why 2C-I is called the “smile drug.”

Oh, and one more thing: Social media censorship is making it nearly impossible for us to post our work there, so we’re going to start making our content more available via newsletter. If you’re feeling generous, pass The Drop In along to your favorite psychonaut and invite them to join the ride 🌈.

Take care of yourself this week!


Mary Carreón
Senior Editor

Heroic Dose Discounts on all DoubleBlind Courses

‘Tis the season of impulse buys! But before you buy that fancy new widget or mostly unnecessary pair of shoes, consider investing in a skill that will last you your lifetime. 

Now through Nov 30 you can get 40% off our best-loved courses.

From more skillful journeying to growing mushrooms to supporting your community as a sitter, we’ve got you covered. 

This is not the generic, topical slop spewed out by ChatGPT or influencer du jour. All our courses are intentionally crafted by and for humans, and taught in partnership with leading experts. You are always getting the latest, most trustworthy info. 

Every dollar goes right back into funding our journalism. So if you’ve ever thought about supporting our work and keeping independent journalism alive, this is a great way to do it. 

How Queer Nightlife Is a Portal to Ritual, Healing, and Belonging

A fixture in New York’s queer nightlife opens up about the underground's palpable shift in tone and his journey inward.

There are curious parallels between Church culture’s Sunday morning service and Queer Party Culture’s Saturday night service. 

Nightlife can be used to forget things and escape, but it can also be used to purge. To find hope and community. It’s a modern take on an ancient ritual with lights instead of fire, DJs instead of drums, and, of course, dancing to the wee hours of the morning. But the effect is the same as it ever was: connection, the purging of sorrows through dance, and (semi) sacred inebriation.

It’s a place for the displaced, for those who don’t quite fit into society’s standardized mold to come together and feel like they belong somewhere. 

Our Latest

A new bill in Michigan clears the way for the use of psilocybin mushrooms for PTSD. It would legalize possession of up to 2 ounces of mushrooms for anyone with a diagnosis of PTSD. Get the full story here.

Most of the attention in ayahuasca shamanism gets put on Ayahuasca. But she is only half the story. In this article, we explore the other half of this alchemical brew plant medicines: read The Lessons of Chakruna.

& More Must-Reads

  • In last Thursday’s newsletter, we published an article about the science of DMT in the brain. So today we thought we’d share Strassman’s own perspective on DMT, how his views have changed, “spiritual experiences”, entities, consciousness, and the future of psychedelic research. Check out DoubleBlind’s exclusive interview here.

  • In a psychedelic state, music isn’t just “music.” It can be an entire universe. In some ways, it’s more in control of your experience than you are. So how do you ethically create this kind of music when you have no idea who is listening, what they’re dealing with, or what they might need? We caught up with Grammy-nominated producer Jon Hopkins to talk about the immense responsibility of making music for the psychedelic realm. 

  • Did ancient Buddhists get high? Mike Crowly, author of “Secret Drugs of Buddhism”  thinks so. A dedicated practitioner of Vajrayana Buddhism for over 20 years, this theory centers around a magical elixir found in ancient Tibetan texts called amrita. Read the full story here.

Learn with Us

🫦 Looking to create a sexy, cozy evening with your partner? Sex on MDMA can be really, really good. It can also go sideways and not turn into what you had hoped. We asked sex therapists for their advice on how to navigate sex on molly. Read what they said here.

🤩 Have you heard of “the smile drug”? 2C-I is one of the most popular of the 2C family of psychedelics. Here’s what you need to know about this potent and “friendly” psychedelic. 

⚖️ The available menu of psychedelics today can be a bit bewildering to a newcomer.  Here’s how to choose the right psychedelic for you. 

DoubleBlind Supports

ATTEND: Chacruna is hosting a free talk on the relationships between Shamanic art, creative processes, and paths to knowledge. Click here to learn more.

At DoubleBlind, we believe in reciprocity—the idea that everything in the world is interconnected and that we have a responsibility to uplift a psychedelic ecosystem that centers equity, inclusivity, and healing for all. Through our work, we hope to help our community participate in this effort with us.

Together with FunGuy

Enjoy a CHILL Holiday with These Kanna-infused Gummies

The holidays can be a lot. Between family gatherings, extra spending, and long trips with traffic from hell…  we’ve all reached for a little something to take the edge off, right? But with CHILL, you can keep that option open, or skip it and still float above the stress. 

It’s a healthy dose of kanna with organic reishi, l-theanine, and Chinese skullcap to help you find your zen in 30 minutes or less. It’s like a body high of cannabis and the social warmth of a glass of wine except you’re totally sober. No fuzzy headaches. No introverted awkwardness. No hypersensitive triggers from your uncle’s blathering political rants. 

Pairs well with weed or wine for those extra-festive moments (but totally optional). Use the code DOUBLEBLIND for a jolly 20% discount.

Watch Now

How much do you really know about ketamine? Whether your interest is therapeutic or, shall we say, “personal”, it’s a good idea to have a grounded understanding before you go too deep. This video gives you a solid overview of the history, legality, research, dosages, and all that good stuff.

Watch it here.

Around the Web

  • Miley Cyrus wants to be a “human psychedelic for people”. The edgy pop singer recently announced her next album will be a “visual album” inspired by Pink Floyd and the horror movie “Mandy”. We’re not sure where this is going, but we like it. Read the full story in Nylon.

  • Archaeologists analyzed the residues in an ancient mug in the form of the Egyptian god Bes––a god protector deity of joy, fertility, and prophecy. Turns out Ancient Egyptians drank a ritual brew of psychedelics, alcohol, and vaginal fluids. Read this fascinating article in Newsweek.

  • RFK Jr. has been very open and public about his struggles with addiction. That’s part of the appeal. Read how ketamine therapy changed one journalist’s perspective of this controversial political figure. Get the full story in this editorial from SF Standard.

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