đź’§ How to talk to your family about psychedelics

PLUS, training interdimensional diplomats for the DMT realms

Hello and welcome back to The Drop In! Before jumping into this week's featured story, the DoubleBlind team wishes you a warm holiday filled with rest and the kind of company that leaves you feeling deeply loved and truly seen.

This week’s featured story is about the origins of Western Psychedelic therapy. Is it possible that the methods used to initiate this practice were more effective than the ones we use today? Dr. K Mandrake and Virginia Haze trace the origins of how we arrived at today’s psychedelic therapy protocols — and unpack whether the path forward might benefit from looking at the past. You can find that story below!

Keep scrolling, and you’ll find stories about the first Black-owned entheogenic church in the United States, how to talk to your family about psychedelics, what happens when psychedelic enthusiasm takes on religious fervor, and all the deets you need to know before microdosing MDMA. 

We’re also offering our biggest sale of the year right now — 40% off all courses today and tomorrow only. You can get yours here.

Be well, friends 🫶,

Mary CarreĂłn
Senior Editor

Get Warm Fuzzies, Save Money, AND Get Smarter at the same time?

<gasp!> Yes, it’s true. 

You can save 40% on every DoubleBlind Course we’ve ever made. It’s the best deal we make all year. And it ends this Saturday!

Will our courses actually make you smarter? Well, if you define smarter as “learning something”, then yes, they will make you smarter.

And the warm fuzzies? Every dollar directly supports our independent, artisanal, handcrafted, 100% organic, farm-to-screen psychedelic journalism.

The truth is that this is not an easy time to be in independent journalism. We love what we do, we care so much about this work, and your contribution sincerely means a lot to us. 

(We assure you, our gratitude is both warm AND fuzzy)

Where Did Western Psychedelic Therapy Come From?

Are our current treatment methods worse than those that came before?

What if the future of psychedelic therapy lies in its roots? In the 1950s, Humphrey Osmond pioneered an approach that embraced community and self-discovery over sterile clinical settings.

His methods emphasized group therapy, with participants supporting each other during and after sessions, creating a holistic, non-hierarchical treatment that nurtured relationships. 

Now, 70 years later, the psychedelic world has abandoned its early past in favor of a more controlled, sterile, disconnected, isolated lab environment. In some ways, it feels like psychedelic science has a chip on its shoulder—something to prove to the rest of the scientific world. But the data suggests that this modern approach is less effective.

Our Latest

Meet Akoma, the first Black-owned psychedelic church in the U.S. They offer a safe, soulful space for ancestral healing, community, and education. DoubleBlind interviewed their manager on diversity in the psychedelic space, PTSD and depression in minority communities, and connecting with ancestors. Read the full interview here.

Looking for the perfect gift this holiday season? Check out DoubleBlind’s Psychedelic Gift Guide. From consumables to “toys” to DIY projects, it’s the perfect resource for your psychedelic loved ones. Get the gift guide here.

If you’ve ever heard anyone say something along the lines of  “everyone NEEDS to trip acid, maaaaan,” you’ve heard psychedelic evangelism in action. And, like anything, it can go too far. Here’s what happens when psychedelic enthusiasm takes on a religious fervor (and how to navigate it).

& More Must-Reads

  • We are wired for connection. According to one psychiatrist, lack of connection—with yourself, your partner, family, community, nature, or cosmos—is the equivalent of malnourishment of the soul. This interview with Dr. Julie Holland goes deep into the loneliness epidemic, psychedelics, and how we might find our way out. Check it out here.

  • Sacred geometry is almost ubiquitous in the cross-over between the psychedelic, new age, and yoga subcultures. From the mandala to fractals, people across cultures have given spiritual significance to repetitive patterns for millennia. Read this exploration about what makes these geometric patterns so compelling.

  • A multidisciplinary team of neuroscientists, psychologists, anthropologists, and linguists are training people to be interdimensional diplomats in the DMT realm. Harnessing a new method allowing humans to remain in the DMT space for hours instead of minutes, they aim to pioneer a new kind of “cultural exchange” program. Get the full story here.

Learn with Us

🗣️ Psychedelics may come up around the dinner table this weekend. Maybe you think it’s time for mom to trip. Maybe your aunt is curious. Here are some guidelines for starting the conversation without triggering instant resistance.

🌬️ You can smoke or eat cannabis, so what about shrooms? Can you smoke mushrooms? Well… yes and no. Here’s our take on it.

💊 Most of us have heard about microdosing LSD and psilocybin mushrooms… but MDMA? We asked researchers for their opinions on why you might want to and what you could gain from it. And the results are not what you might expect. Read the full story here.

🍄 Looking for a fun DIY project this winter? Try growing your own mushrooms with the “Spiderman Tek”. It’s our #1 recommendation method for anyone new to cultivation. Get all the deets here.

DoubleBlind Digs

Here are today’s recommendations to help you live more psychedelically… 

  1. Save the date! The Psychedelics Design online conference is coming up on December 11th. A juicy mix of art, science, design, and engineering, it explores the psychedelic world through the lens of design. Get your ticket here and use code DoubleBlind10 for a discount!

  2. Happen to be in Mexico City this weekend? Check out Qualia Psychedelic Science Summit featuring Alex and Allyson Grey and some of the best experts from Latin America. 

  3. Xula is a company focused on helping you feel good. They make fantastic plant-powered wellness gummies for energy, brain health, mood support, and more. They’re running a big sale right now, so check them out here and snag your discount.*

  4. Looking for an alcohol alternative this holiday season? Try Bonbuz.* It gives you a nice relaxing buzz, without the whole poisoning your liver part. 

Together with Fun Guy

Enjoy a CHILL Holiday with These Kanna-infused Gummies

CHILL kanna chews are mood enhancing, but not “altering”. No introversion or awkwardness. You’re relaxed, but alert and present. 

Imagine the body high of cannabis and the social warmth of a glass of wine… except you’re sober.  It’s a perfect dose of kanna with organic reishi, l-theanine, and Chinese skullcap. And if you decide you do, in fact, want to imbibe, it even pairs nicely with alcohol or cannabis. It’s the perfect holiday buzz.

Use the code DOUBLEBLIND for a jolly 20% discount.

Watch Now

Sometimes it feels like everything is commercialized these days. Is there, perhaps, a line we should draw? Is the commodification of psychedelics ethical? Hear how some of our favorite psychedelic thought leaders think about this sticky issue in this video here.

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