💧 Who is opposing psychedelic legalization in Mass... and why?

PLUS, Q&A with researchers about spiritual transformation in therapy

Hey! Welcome back to the Drop In. We’ve officially cannonballed into the deep end of Spooky season. Whether you’re celebrating Samhain, Halloween, or Día de los Muertos, these cultural celebrations all honor the same theme: the bond between the human world and the spirit realm. If you have an ancestral practice, now’s the time to convene with those who came before you — if for no other reason than to whisper thank you and let them know they’re still remembered.

Today’s lead story has to do with the fate of psychedelic reform in the US. It’s safe to say that the collective movement hit a disorienting speed bump in August that’s left many folks wondering if the psychedelic revolution is a modern-day dot-com bubble. While most of us know that’s not true in the big picture (has there ever been a movement in history that didn’t face seemingly insurmountable hurdles?), all eyes are on Massachusetts this election. It’s the only state with broad psychedelics reform on the ballot, and MAJOR political players are directly involved in the campaigns for and against it — including a political consulting firm that worked with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama; the founder of Make America Great Again Inc. is involved, too. (Yes, you read that correctly.) Read all about Question 4 in the Bay State below!

If you keep scrolling you’ll find stories on how to make your own mushroom tinctures, how to be an ethical healer, a guide on what you need to know about psychedelics and breastfeeding. We’re also hosting an event about Tripping for Couples! You can find out more here.

Peace to you and your ancestors,

Mary CarreĂłn
Senior Editor

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Massachusetts Could Legalize Psychedelic Therapy This Election—But Not Everyone is Onboard

What you need to know about this incredibly close—and controversial—vote

There’s more at stake with Question 4 in Massachusetts than just one state’s policy toward plant medicines. In private conversations behind closed doors, it's clear the psychedelic movement lost a ton of momentum following the FDA’s rejection of MDMA. 

Now funding is drying up, start-ups are folding, and critics are vocally questioning the validity of psychedelic research studies. It’s not just the residents of Massachusetts who need this, it’s the psychedelic movement as a whole. A win here would go a long way toward reinvigorating the flagging movement. 

But the campaign is down to the wire. Like much of American politics, it’s a tense, even split between the two sides. Polling shows 46.5% Yes to 46% No, with the remaining 7.5% undecided. 

We’ve covered several stories about Question 4 with expert opinions and high-profile endorsements, so now let’s take a look at the other side. 

Our Latest

Most psychedelic mushrooms taste somewhere between dirt and gym socks. Tinctures can be a great way to get the good stuff without the gag-inducing taste and avoid some of the gastro-intestinal issues. (They’re also fantastic for microdosing). Here’s how to make your own psilocybin mushroom tinctures.

The Wild West of coaching and wellness is booming, but not everyone getting on board is qualified to handle our most sensitive wounds. It doesn’t take malevolent intent to damage someone. Just ignorance. Read Jules Evans’ latest piece on How to Be an Ethical Healer.

Magic and witchcraft can be seen as a ritualized game with the universe, a way to engage more fully in the mystery of life. It places you as an active participant in the very mechanics of reality. ‘Tis the season of the witch, so why not bring your inner witch out to play with these 3 Beginners’ Wiccan Spells.

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Tripping for Couples

Ever thought about taking psychedelics with your partner? Whether you're a curious or seasoned tripper looking to explore new dynamics, journeying with a lover can open doors to connection, intimacy, healing, and so much more. But diving into this kind of experience takes more than just good vibes — it calls for real preparation. Done right, it can be intimate, transformative, and even joyful. Done without care, it can bring up emotions that need careful navigation.

If you're ready to unlock the magic of tripping as a couple, this online workshop is where you start. 

(This workshop is for both solo learners AND couples)

It’s happening Sunday, November 10 at 3 pm EST.

Learn with Us

🧙 Plant medicines and witchcraft have a long, intertwined history. Check out this exploration of witchcraft and psychedelics in Western culture.

🍼 Psychedelic breast milk, anyone? Psychedelics are water-soluble. That means they go right into breast milk. From science to Indigenous practices, here’s what you need to know about psychedelics and breastfeeding. 

🍄 This microdosing stack will change your brain. Prep for our upcoming Microdosing Webinar with the legendary Jim Fadiman and take a look at our medical review of mushroom guru Paul Stamets’ personal microdosing stack.

DoubleBlind Digs

Here are today’s recommendations to help you live more psychedelically… 

  1. Psychedelic Cabaret AND fund a psychedelic documentary? Yes, please. Fund the independent film “Confession of a Psychonaut” by getting your ticket to this psychedelic fundraiser event at the Shulgin farm on Nov 3rd.

  2. Want a heart-opening, natural mood lift? Try Kanna Extracts. Kanna is an empathogenic plant from South Africa. Kanna Extracts cultivates an extraordinarily potent strain in reciprocity with the indigenous stewards of this ancient medicinal plant. Check out their vapes, capsules, powders, and more here*. 

  3. These are the spores you are looking for*. From Jedi Mindfuck to Penis Envy to classic Golden Teachers, Lablinks Supply has spores for every strain you could ever want for your “science experiment”.

*We may make a commission from purchases made through these links, but we only feature brands and organizations we know and trust. Proceeds help us keep our psychedelic journalism alive.

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Ever wonder why mushrooms are illegal in the first place? Us to. So we looked into it for you and made this short video about it.

Around the Web

  • PGA Golfers are using psychedelics to enhance their game and win tournaments. We just hope tie-dye takes over the pastel polo shirt aesthetic. Get the full story from Express.

  • The Netherlands may be taking the lead in therapeutic MDMA legalization. It’s a long windy road from underground hub of ecstasy to above-ground therapy leader… and a great story. Read full article in Mix Mag.

  • Psychedelic music is constantly evolving. From tripped out rock bands to electronic producers, what is it that makes music “psychedelic”? Read this deep dive on from Psychedelic Scene.

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